Meet our MENTORpreneur Mentees

Bertha Nenga gained 15 years of Banking experience covering relationship management and customer service. She worked for Barclays Bank for two years before moving to First National Bank Zambia (FNB), where she worked for 13 years. She left the banking sector in December 2021 to pursue her journey as a full-time entrepreneur. Now Bertha exchanged the financial services for road construction and manufacturing and is the chairperson of Bernen Construction Zambia.

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Margaret Mwanza Nkole is a motivated business entrepreneur, with 2+ years of experience as the Founder and Executive Director of Aswabi Children’s Academy. At Aswabi Children’s Academy, she directs all organizational operations, policies, and objectives to maximize productivity and returns. Besides her work with Aswabi, since 2019 she leads digital business growth of non-traditional and emerging markets for MTN Lusaka, Zambia, a multi-national telecommunications company as Head Channels Development and Management. Even though her primary income stems from her job at MTN, she ventured into the entrepreneurial space out of passion.


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