Farmers Business Game

Farmers Business Game is a highly interactive training for smallholder farmers, emerging farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs who want to improve their skills for a successful and sustainable farm management.


In southern Africa, the Farmers Business game was first piloted in Zambia in 2018 in a project to strengthen financial education in the country with 47 trainers trained in a space of two TOTs (Trainer of Trainers).  The FBG was piloted in two focal provinces of Zambia which were Central and Southern provinces with an aim of achieving 20 trainings and reaching out to 400 participants in each province.

By the end of 2018, the demand of the Farmers Business game increased, and the trainings were extended to other provinces reaching out to 1,752 participants in 83 trainings. Due to the high demand of the training, another TOT was conducted in 2019 bringing the total number of trainers to 74 and among the trained trainers, 18 are certified trainers.

From 2018 to 2020, the Farmers Business Simulation Game has been conducted in all 10 provinces of Zambia,reaching out to 5,967 farmers in 276 trainings. 


The initial Training of Trainers (TOT) for the Farmers Business Game (FBG) took place in April 2021. Since the launch of the Southern Africa project (Promotion of Small-scale Entrepreneurship in Southern Africa) in 2021, the savings banks foundation has been organizing various simulation games, including the Farmers Business Game. This specific simulation game was introduced to Malawi in 2021 and has been effectively reaching out to farmers in collaboration with our primary project partner, LUANAR, along with the New Apostolic Church Relief Organization (NACRO) Malawi, who serves as our implementing partner. It's worth mentioning that the Farmer Business Simulation has been conducted in all three regions of Malawi.
In August 2022, 11 trainers successfully obtained certification after undergoing both practical and theoretical tests. Since the introduction of the farmer business game in April 2021, we have provided training to a total of 677 farmers through 23 training sessions. Among these farmers, 465 of them are female, representing 70% of the participants.

Please find further information about the Farmers Business Game here


Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Regional Office Southern Africa:
Lusaka Telecom House
Plot No. 5, Mwaimwena Road – Rhodespark Area

Lusaka, Zambia

Logos German Cooperation and Partners in Transformation