Business Games

The Business Games made by German Sparkassenstiftung have become an international brand for an innovative interactive learning experience. Learning with haptic and computer-based simulations is knowledge far away from dry theory. Interaction, practical exercise and the motivation to finish the game as the winner, lead to a high learning success.

Read more here

MSME Mentorship

Mentorship is a guidance relationship between a mentor and a mentee in the process of personal growth of a mentee. Ideally, this relationship equals a desire-driven, individually tailored alliance to achieve a specific goal and can help entrepreneurs and small business owners to develop sustainable businesses that create jobs. 

Read more about our memtorship program here

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Regional Office Southern Africa:
Lusaka Telecom House
Plot No. 5, Mwaimwena Road – Rhodespark Area

Lusaka, Zambia

Logos German Cooperation and Partners in Transformation