History of German Sparkassenstiftung in Namibia

 2015 – 2020 - Partnership project with the microfinance institution called Kongalend Financial
 2020 – 2021 - Implementation of the Savings Games for market women by mid-2021
projects in Namibia.

Currently, the project is focusing on the financial education of market women and micro entrepreneurs of open markets in various communities in Namibia. As most of these micro businesswomen and small entrepreneurs struggle to manage their business financials well, the knowledge transfer is performed with the Savings Simulation Training or the Micro Business Simulation Training by Sparkassenstiftung. For the roll out in the Namibian communities, German Sparkassenstiftung has trained Namibians as trainers to perform these trainings. Often, these trainings must be translated and performed in various tribe languages as not all marketeers are able to understand English well. Besides the financial education of female and male marketeers, the business simulation was successfully implemented in the education program of the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre. Currently, other Vocational Training Centres in the rural areas are interested in the Business Simulation trainings by Sparkassenstiftung too. That is why the trained Namibian trainers supply the Savings or the Micro Business Simulation Training to students of Vocational Trainings Centres in the various regions of the  country mostly during weekends.

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V.
Regional Office Southern Africa:
Lusaka Telecom House
Plot No. 5, Mwaimwena Road – Rhodespark Area

Lusaka, Zambia

Logos German Cooperation and Partners in Transformation